Dier Mar Musa in the Christian Muslim Dialogue

Dier Mar Musa in the Christian Muslim Dialogue


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Dier Mar Musa in the Christian Muslim Dialogue
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Outline for the Research:


  1. History of Dier Mar Musa. / Historical Background of the place
  2. Syria-Christians: monastery/ Monks/ founders of the place
  3. Importance of this place within the context of Christian-Muslim dialogue
  4. Activities for Christians
  5. Very important: does the place have any influence in Syria? Do people know about it? Is it important or is it just something that is important to the west, But not in Syria? e. Westren people being very excited about some of the initiatives but the local people hardly know it. /compare the activities of the place in the eyes of the west and the east/
  6. Conclusion: the current situation within the current events in the Syria.



References to be included in the research:

  1. Guyonne de Montjou, Mar Moussa: Un monastère, un homme, un désert. Albin Michel, 2006.
  2. Père Jacques Mourad avec AmauryGuillem, Un moineenotage: Le combat pour la paix d’un prisonnier des djihadistes. Paris: Éditions Emmanuel, 2018.
  3. Paolo Dall’Oglioavec la collaboration d’Églantine Gabaix-Hialé, Amoureux de l’Islam, croyantenJésus. Paris: Les Éditions de l’Atelier/ Éditions Ouvrières, 2009.
  4. Paolo Dall’Oglioavec la collaboration d’Églantine Gabaix-Hialé, La rage et la lumière: Un prêtredans la révolutionsyrienne. Ivry-sur-Seine: Les Éditions de l’Atelier/ Éditions Ouvrières, 2013.
  5. Book Review from PimValkenberg: Book takes liberties but is clear Fr. Paolo Dall’Oglio was in love with Islam
  6. I add two in English, one on the frescoes (2001) “The Frescoes of Mar Musa Al-Habashi” by Erica Dodd
  7. and another more recent (2019) by Shaun O’Neill, “A Church of Islam . The Syrian Calling of Father Paolo Dall’Oglio ”.



References in Arabic:

  • الخلوة في الأديان: ندوة حوار عقدت في دير مار موسى الحبشي / النبك سورية (Jan 25-28, 2002)
  • الخبرة الروحية وتطور المجتمع / جلسات حوار الندوة المنعقدة في دير مار موسى الحبشي
  • عقائد وتساؤلات للعبور معا إلى آفاق المرتجى / ندوة حوار عقدت في دير مار موسى الحبشي/ النبك – سوريا (August 2-3, 2005)

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