Comparing Average Rate of Changes

Algebra 2    2020-2021

Module 2:  Comparing Functions

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Comparing Average Rate of Changes
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Lesson 4: Comparing Average Rate of Changes


Essential Questions:

How can functions describe real-world situations, model predictions and solve problems?


Students will be able to:

calculate and interpret the average rate of change over a specified interval.


HSF.IF.B.6 Calculate and interpret the average rate of change of a function (presented symbolically or as a table) over a specified interval. Estimate the rate of change from a graph.*


●        Do Now

●        Vocab & Lesson

●        Desmos activities

●        Homework


Do Now: Write 5 noticings and wonderings below based on the work you see.



●       G(x) has a greater average rate of change

●       The average rate of change of f(x) is 13.125

●       The average rate of change of g(x) is 38

●       The function of g(x) is provided


●       What is the use of the average rate of change

●       What is the function of f(x)

●       What does the comparison of the two tell you

●       Where can these functions be used in real life situations

Vocabulary Review:

●       Average rate of change

○       you will always be told the interval (x values), often in interval notation with brackets [ ]

■       example: Calculate the average rate of change over the interval [2,8]

○       You cannot choose any two points you want like you could when you were calculating slope.


Desmos Activities:Please note that desmos activities work best on a computer. This one will work on a tablet as well.


If you did not complete the activity on desmos from lesson 3, start with this one. We were practicing calculating slope/average rate of change for linear equations. Complete up to slide 7 today (the panda problem).



You will now complete a desmos activity about comparing average rates of change, focusing on nonlinear equations.


Homework: Answer all 3 questions in this document. You can insert pictures of your work or you can create your own jamboard and copy the link below in the space for your answer.


  1. Calculate the average rate of change of the function over the given interval, [0,3]. Show your work.

If you’re unfamiliar with this notation [0,3] means from x=0 to x=3.













Y= 1 when x=0 and y=7 when x=3

Average rate =


  1. Calculate the average rate of change of the function in the table below over the interval [-3,3].





  1. The police have accused a driver of breaking the speed limit of 60 miles per hour. As proof, they provide two photographs. One photo shows the driver’s car passing a toll booth at exactly 6:00pm. The second photo shows the driver’s car passing another toll booth 31 milesdown the highway at exactly 6:30pm. Does the photo evidence prove that the driver broke the speed limit during this time? Explain your reasoning.


Yes the photos are evidence that the driver broke the speed limit because when you calculate his average speed, he was travelling at the speed of 62miles/hour based on the evidence.



Don’t forget to turn it in!

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