Cold War

You will write one, 2000-word research paper on a course topic from the List of Course Topics
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. You will complete this paper in four parts worth 350 points total (35% of the course grade). This paper assesses your ability to critically analyze primary resources, research related secondary sources, develop research and writing skills, synthesize knowledge about an important subject, participate in peer critique, and revise your work. Your paper must include historical analysis of at least four primary sources from the list of primary sources located at the end of each chapter of your eText and at least two secondary sources from external, academic sources. Wikipedia is NOT an acceptable primary or secondary source. Follow the research paper writing guidelines presented in Rampolla text, A Pocket Guide to Writing in History. Cite all sources using the Chicago Style. The paper should be double-spaced with Times New Roman Font, and use one-inch margins. All papers will be checked for plagiarism. Part of papers or whole papers submitted to prior courses, including this course, will not be accepted, and will receive an automatic zero.

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Cold War
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