Arguing for a better moment

Since unit 2 was all others living in the moment, we will now use our experiences in unit 2 to argue for a better moment in unit 3. Use the topic you wrote about for your unit 2 paper OR a new topic (all listed with a corresponding article below) and come up with an argument. For example, if your marginalized group from unit 2 was people fighting addiction amidst the pandemic, make an argument for or against a particular aspect of that group (i.e. an argument for access to something that would help that group) that would make life easier for the group living in these trying times (pandemic, etc.). Be sure to do the following:
1 Give enough context about the topic (explain what it is you’re talking about).
2 Come up with an argument for or against something related to your topic using the claim/ evidence/ reasoning framework (per usual, you will be doing process work to develop argument skills). For this paper, you should have at least two sets of CER (claim 1, evidence 1, reasoning 1 + claim 2, evidence 2, reasoning 2). Be mindful of the word count requirement.
3 Explain why your argument is important for making more room for the marginalized group in question (following our example, the group would be those fighting addiction).

Use this to argue article to argue: COVID-19 Disproportionately Impacting Those With Developmental Disabilities

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Arguing for a better moment
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by Michelle Diament | September 8, 2020

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