Write 200-250 words response to a classmate’s proposal.
What did you find interesting?
What value do you see as a reader should your classmate pursue this project?
How might their project intersect with your own interests and even your own project?
Any other helpful thoughts?
classmate project:
1. Sources:
How brands these days use social media giveaways, and statistics on how much user engagement increased as a result on multiple different platforms.
A tentative marketing/giveaway plan and an in depth study on how to create a successful customer engagement with a new product.
Talks about why giveaways are terrible marketing tactics, and I am planning to refute each claim in my essay.
2. I still need to find an academic research regarding giveaways. I know a lot of statistics from certain businesses and industries, but it’s hard to find statistics that represent the business field as a whole. I think giveaways are very subjective to certain brands/target markets that I might have to narrow it down to one or two types of industries.
3. Thesis: The ability for giveaways to promote audience engagement and reach a larger customer base is highly underappreciated in the marketing world. One industry that does this well would be the beauty industry where they partner with influencers on multiple platforms to giveaway their newest products. I believe so many companies are not taking advantage of the power of giveaways and how much more it can create engagement with their business/product. Giveaways are the perfect marketing tactic because it promotes the brand and product, causes a chain reaction of advertising (especially on social media), and gives an incentive for customers to constantly engage with your platform.
My project:
My sources
– Garrette, B., & Karnani, A. G. (2009). Challenges in marketing socially useful goods to the poor. SSRN Electronic Journal. https://doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.1507757
The source is an academic journal, and it talks about the challenges that come along when trying to market some of the socially useful goods to the poor. The article says that poverty has become like the order of the day, and therefore, marketers should try to come up with solutions that will ensure that they are alleviating poverty in society.
-Santos, N. J., & Laczniak, G. R. (2009). Marketing to the poor: An integrative justice model for engaging impoverished market segments. Journal of Public Policy & Marketing, 28(1), 3-15. https://doi.org/10.1509/jppm.28.1.3
The source is an academic journal discussing the integrative justice model to market to the poor. The article agrees that many challenges are associated with marketing the product to the poor, but they offer the same integrative justice model.
There is the underappreciation of poor customers and not taking them into consideration in marketing and yet they have the potential to drive sales like any other consumer in the market. The main reason that they should be appreciated is because they have ability to increase if only marketers come up with products that fit their budget.
What I know so far is that several challenges affect marketing to the poor, but at the same time, I need to find out what are those challenges that affect the marketing to the poor and what might be some of the solutions to do with the challenges that the marketers face in marketing to the poor.
My working thesis: Marketing to the poor might have many challenges because of lack of income and other associated factors, but the integrative justice model can be used to marketing to the poor. Therefore, there is a need to understand how to deal with the challenges and offer some long lasting solutions to the challenges.

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