The Reintroduction of Grey Wolves to Yellowstone National Park

There are several assignments that need to be completed before the paper is due. First, we choose a topic and list our sources – I will attach the word document that is to be filled out. Here is the first part of that document for a general idea: (I chose the re-introduction of wolves into yellowstone national park).
(Choosing a Topic
Review the Reporting Information chapter and sample readings for this week. I also encourage you to look ahead at the student samples in the week ahead.
Review the topic choices on page 148 of Norton, and select a topic.
The purpose of this paper is to inform. The essay should present information to your audience about a topic that they may not be familiar with, or present information about a well-known topic in a new light.
The purpose of this essay is not to argue or persuade your audience. Do not choose controversial or overdone topics for this essay (e.g. abortion, gun control, legalizing marijuana, etc.).
After that, we have to make an outline. I will attach that document as well. Here is an excerpt:
Composing an Outline

1. For your research report, you will need to decide on an organizational strategy. As your book notes, “Writing that reports information often calls for certain writing strategies. The report on popcorn, for example, explains the process of popping, whereas the report on college costs analyzes the effects of delaying college graduation.”

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The Reintroduction of Grey Wolves to Yellowstone National Park
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· For example, you might use classifying/dividing to divide the subject into categories. The thesis would look like this: Depression is a complex condition, the understanding of which requires an in-depth look at its causes, symptoms, and available treatments.

· Another example is chronological organization. The thesis would look like this: Depression is a complex condition, the treatment of which has undergone dramatic changes as the medical field progressed from the late 19th century into the mid-20th century and finally into the early 21st century.

· A third example is a focus on causes or effects. A thesis using causes would look like this: Depression is a complex condition, which may be caused by any combination of biological, genetic, and environmental factors.

· Sample thesis statements from:


Once you complete these, we begin drafting.

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