The problem

Table of Contents

Part 2: The problem

Draft due November 17

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Providing a clear and complete description of the topic familiarizes readers with the subject. A well-written introduction more than simply introduces a topic; rather, a well-written introduction encourages a reader to connect with the topic and even feel a sense of ownership. When this occurs, readers have more than a passing interest to resolve the problem. Now that you’ve introduced your topic, you should go back and make sure you have done the following:

  • If your Part 1 paper is in an outline format, then change the format to a paragraph-based format.
  • If you used any questions in the Format and Guideline section on the assignment sheet for Part 1, then make sure you fully explained your answers/responses.
  • If you received comments that require more information, clarifying, or correcting errors, you need to address the comments.


Directions for Part 2

In Part 2, you will introduce and describe the problem. The purpose of this section is to describe the problem that you are intending to address. This section must be presented very clearly, otherwise the reader will not understand the problem, the reason the problem is being addressed, or the importance of addressing the problem. Furthermore, all parts of the problem must be explained in detail.

In completing Part 2:

  • Use the outline on page 2 below to guide your Research Project Part 2 paper.
    • The questions in each section are prompts for the type of information to include in the section.
  • Your paper must include all eight sections (I – VIII).
    • You may have to modify some sections or questions to comply with your topic.
    • See page 4 below for an example.
    • Page 4 also give an estimated number of paragraphs per section.
  • Your paper must be written in a proper paragraph format. Do not leave the outline format.
  • You must fully explain all of your answers.
    • Use the following to determine if you fully explained your answer
      • Are there terms or concepts that need to be defined or explained?
      • What are the pros/cons of my response?
      • So what? Why is this important to the reader?
      • What did previous research say about my explanation?


Format for Outline and Questions for Part 2

I.                   Summary of Part 1.

A.                Begin Part 2 with a 4 – 5 sentence summary of Part 1.

II.                Problem Statement—what is the problem?

A.                The problem statement itself is very simple. Use the following:

1.                  The problem is that (describe the problem in one sentence).

B.                 Do not include your solutions at this time—they will come later in section IV.

III.             Importance

1.                  The importance of researching the problem is that …

a)                  Remember, connect your explanation with your topic

B.                 What will happen if problem is not addressed?

1.                  How does the problem effect the business?

2.                  How does the problem effect people?

3.                  How does the problem effect the world?

IV.             Description of the problem

A.                Information about the problem: describe the problem accurately and in detail

1.                  What are the specifics of the problem?

a)                  History of the problem

(1)               When did the problem first occur; when was the problem first noticed?
(2)               How often does the problem occur?

b)                  What does the problem look like when it happens?

c)                  Describe who/what is affected by the problem.

(1)               Human/emotion cost
(2)               Financial cost
(3)               Customer loss
(4)               Deterioration of materials making replacement parts necessary

2.                  What caused the problem?

a)                  Describe the set of circumstances/conditions that caused the problem

b)                  Be as specific as you can when explaining the cause of the problem.

(1)               Is the problem caused by production methods?
(2)               Is the problem naturally occurring?
(3)               Is the problem caused by poor communication?
(4)               Is the problem caused by a flaw in the process?

c)                  When do the problems occur?

3.                  If you don’t know the cause, are there any reasonable guesses for the cause?

V.                Review of Literature. What does other research have to say about the problem? [Note: this is a good place to add outside sources to meet the requirement.]

1.                  Did anyone else try to address the problem in the past? What were the results?

2.                  If you find different articles in which the researchers used different approaches to solve the problem, then include the source, so you will have more than one outside source.]

VI.             Purpose of this research project

1.                  What is your purpose for conducting the research project?

2.                  Your response should begin: The purpose for researching (state the problem) is to determine…

VII.          Solutions to the Problem

A.                Write four (4) specific changes that address or solve the problem

1.                  You can bullet or number the changes/solutions instead of writing a paragraph.

B.                 Provide a description of each change/solution.

1.                  Be very specific—remember, your solutions must resolve the problem

2.                  How does each solution make the problem go away?

a)                  VII-B-2 is very important to include. You will be using this response in Part 4.

3.                  Provide a reason/explanation that are you proposing each change.

4.                  What research supports your proposed changes?

VIII.       Hypothesis

A.                Why will your solutions work?

B.                 Are there any solutions other than the ones you propose?

C.                 What are your predictions if the changes are made?

D.                How will your changes affect the company, process, product, or condition?

E.                 Identify some positive and negative effects of your proposed changes.

F.                  Identify any problems that your changes/solutions might create. [Some solutions may cause political, financial, and/or personal problems.]



OUSTIDE SOURCE REQUIREMENT for Part 2: You must incorporate at least three (3) outside references from a research journal or a textbook. The journal articles should either:

  • help describe the problem,
  • provide evidence that someone else tried to address the problem in the past, or
  • provide evidence that research or professional opinion agrees with your change(s).


Add the reference to your list of works cited that you began in Part 1.







Example Format (and paragraph length) for Part 2

Summary of Part 1. (This section should be one paragraph)

Over the past 40 years, the temperature of the Earth’s surface has been increasing. Temperature records have been kept since 1880. The average temperature form 1980 up to today has increased about 1° F (Sánchez-Lugo, A. et al., 2018). The past five years have been the warmest years since 1880. The average land and ocean surface temperature was the second-warmest on record.

Problem Statement (This section is one sentence)

The problem is that the Earth’s land and ocean surface temperatures are increasing.

Importance (This section is about 1 – 2 paragraphs)

The importance of this study is the consequences of the increasing land and ocean temperature will have catastrophic effects on life on Earth. If we do not address the causes of global warming, then soon there will be flooding along the coastal areas, less land for farming resulting in famine, and many people will die.

Description of the problem (This section is likely to be 3 – 5 paragraphs or more)

Complete description of the problem

Review of Literature (This section is about 2 – 3 paragraphs)

What information does research provide on the problem?

Purpose of this Research Project (This section is about 1 – 2 paragraphs)

Why are you conducting this research? What do you want to learn?

Solutions (This section can be a bulleted or numbered list)

What four solutions do you think will get rid of the problem?

Hypothesis (This section is about 2 – 3 paragraphs)

Why will your solutions work? What will happen if they do/don’t work?




Works Cited


Sánchez-Lugo, A., Berrisford, P., Morice, C., and Argüez, A. (2018). Temperature [in State of

the Climate in 2018]. Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society, 99(8), S1

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