The New Compensation Plan

Week 9 Assignment
Improving Performance at the Hotel Paris: The New Compensation Plan


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The New Compensation Plan
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Briefly summarize the problems presented in the case study.  Then answer question 11-22, “What would you tell Lisa about how to set up a new compensation plan for the Hotel Paris.  Add a citation at the end of the paragraph to give credit to the source of your information.  Write at least 5-7 complete sentences.)


Use your textbook as a guide and answer the following.  Make sure you use course concepts in your responses.  Would  you suggest that Hotel Paris implement a competency based pay plan for its non-managerial staff?  Why or why not?  What is needed to provide one?


Recommend and describe a ranking job evaluation system for the Hotel Paris’ non-managerial employees (housekeepers, valets, front-desk clerks, phone operators, wait staff, groundskeepers and security guards. Be sure to show the worth of these jobs in relation to one another.  (At least 5 sentences)


Provide a professional reference for all sources used following APA guidelines.


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