Research Paper

PROMPT: Home is a complicated idea that goes far beyond physical place. It encompasses the way we feel about the place(s) where we had our origins, the people who help or hinder our growth, and spaces where we find rebirth. Literature sometimes is the vehicle for these ideas, and in other cases literature captures the significance of place and the idea of home. Construct a coherent and well-developed analysis of these ideas. Your discussion must include references to Baldwin, James. Go Tell It on the Mountain by James Baldwin, Mules and Men by Zora Neale Hurston, Walker, Alice. The Third Life of Grange Copeland by Alice Walker, and lastly, Song of Solomon by Toni Morrison.

You may quote from interviews or essays in which the authors comment upon their own observations or experiences with myths, personal narratives, or legends. Read and discuss critical assessments of the authors and the four primary works you have selected. [Cite the primary sources as well.] Incorporate insights from a minimum of seven (7) secondary sources (scholarly sources, critical sources).

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Of course, you also may use any of the assigned essays and interviews, such as those by Baldwin, Walker, Ellison, etc., but those will be in addition to your required seven scholarly, critical, secondary sources. At least one secondary source must focus on each of the primary works you have selected. Remember to cite all sources, including the assigned sources and the assigned belletristic works.

A. Regarding secondary documents: Look for articles in scholarly journals and references in book-length studies. Use academic databases to locate scholarly sources, not just anything you find in a Google search. PLOT SUMMARIES ARE NOT ACCEPTABLE FOR ENGLISH MAJORS’ RESEARCH!!

B. Regarding your analysis of the secondary sources: As part of your analysis of the critics, observe the significance of the date and place of publication. Evaluate WHO is writing and to what audience. What other works has the critic written? Has the critic received academic awards? While you may not need to include this information in the body of your paper, it would be good to mention exceptional accolades or expertise if you discover it. Likewise, in selecting resources, the scholarly sources by those who have gained maximum recognition as experts would be best to use.

C. Your selected bibliography will indicate the extent of your scholarship. Do not list any sources you failed to read. DO list ALL of the articles, interviews, and book reviews you read, whether you cite them or not. Thus, you should compile a “Selected Bibliography,” not merely “Works Cited.”

D. Demonstrate academic integrity! Do NOT block and copy passages from anything! Take notes. If you value the phrasing of a concept in the original essay, quote it properly. If you value the ideas in a secondary source but you choose not to quote directly, remember to cite the source properly. Record citations of all sources you read, and include all of them in your selected bibliography.

E. Your page citations should match the edition of the primary source that you are using. Especially if you are using an ebook with very brief “pages,” please also identify your quotations by chapter number.

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