Lean Supply Chain & Logistics

Students, please write a minimum of a five page paper answering the questions below. Since the book, “The Goal” is written in the form of a story, please write your paper in the form of a story.

Who is Alex Rogo, and what mess has he’s gotten into?

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In chapter 4, there are 3 indicators that depict a plant is operating efficiently; what are they?

What is meant by productivity?

Tell me about what Alex Rogo learned in chapter 14?

Who was Jonah, and how did he help Alex Rogo to see

Describe the management team that helped Alex Rogo, and share about each of the roles they played

At some point, is Alex finally is able to see what the goal is and what is meant by productivity. So tell me, what is the goal, and how is productivity defined by the book?

Describe that moment (Ah hah moment) as he is talking to Jonah!

Who is Julie and what she’s going through?

How does Herbie help Alex understand constraints?

How did Alex use the marketing department to help him make money, and save their reputation?

What is the NCX-10, and what role did that machine play in the manufacturing process?

Whatever became of Alex and Julie?

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