Lab #8 Assignment
Lab #8 Assignment– Do not copy and paste answers, use your own words
- Why are you examining all three nutrients in the soil? Which nutrient has decreased over time? 3pts
- For each source of phosphorus in the phosphorus cycle, provide a description of how the phosphorous becomes available to organisms. 10pts
- What form of phosphorous is most important to living organisms? 2pts
- What are the ways in which phosphorous is lost?5pts
- How many samples are need for replicates? Why are replicates important? 5pts
- Based on your understanding of the phosphorus cycle what do you think is likely responsible for algae blooms in fresh water ecosystems? What recommendations would you propose to people living in areas of frequent algae blooms? Besides the scientific basis, what else will you need to consider when presenting your information to other people? 10pts
- Lab Notes: 15pts
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