Is the fast-food industry responsible for obesity?

I will be reciting this persuasive essay assignment in the form of a speech. The mission is to write an essay/ so I can record it to persuade people to believe that the fast food industry is responsible for obesity.

The speech has to be 4- 6 minutes. I am thinking somewhere in between like 5 minutes.

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Is the fast-food industry responsible for obesity?
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Attn. getter *Statement of credibility *Audience relation/goodwill *Thesis (brief declarative statement *lead into content (preview

)main points/clear organizational pattern (MMS) *transitions/content (between sections and main points) *reasoning and evidence

: Use of Ethos/Logos

*credible (4 pts) *logical-easy to follow (4 pts) *no logical fallacies (4 pts) *oral citations (9 pts) 1 scholarly source 2 additional sources

Use of Pathos and Persuasive Techniques (4 each)

*evoke emotions *mental dialogue *relevance/recency

: Thorough and complete (9 points)

Includes the following: • 5 part introduction (3 points) • Transitions: intro to body, between main points, and body to conclusion (2 points) • 2-3 part conclusion (2 points) • All headings (the label for each idea briefly clarifying the content to be discussed) in full-sentences (2 points)

Includes in-text citations in correct APA format (6 points)

2 points for each required citation: 1 peer-reviewed, 2 meeting ABC’s of source quality

PPresentation Aid: Appropriate to topic, audience, and occasion/situation (5 points)resentation Aid: Appropriate to topic, audience, and occasion/situation (5 points)

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