Human Trafficking

You will be required to prepare a written “Summary of Student master’s degree Capstone Project.” In this summary you will identify your capstone project topic, hypothesis, research questions, research method, and a brief annotated bibliography (no more than 20 references). First you must have at least one Independent variable and one dependent variable. You are not writing another term paper in the capstone course.

How do a term paper and research differ?

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Human Trafficking
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A term paper is nothing more than describing. Examples: Prison overcrowding has gotten worse and here is why; Police brutality has caused the defund the police movement; Plea bargaining should be discontinued, etc. In all of these, I have taken a stand (conclusions up front), and I set out to describe the problem and defend my point of view (called an opinion). This is not research! in research you are taking the position that you do not know the outcome, and you plan on delving into the literature to possibly find an answer. You may, in your heart and mind, believe you know the outcome, but this is an opinion and not supported by evidence. You want to be able to support your position with hard data from other studies. This is why it is so important to establish an IV and DV wherein the IV can logically have an impact on the DV.

Topic: Human Trafficking

The hypothesis I have chosen is:
There is a correlation between lack of federal and state enforcement and prosecution of human trafficking laws and the increasing incidence of human trafficking in the US.

The research method I was going for was
Existing Documents/Statistics Research. The first nonreactive method, and the most common type of research in crime and justice studies, is existing documents/statistics research. It involves the collection and reanalysis of existing quantitative data. It is often derived from publicity available sources of information such as census bureau data, governmental crime data, economic data, and governmental survey research. The researcher reorganizes or combines the information in new ways to address a research question.

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