The Death Penalty

Introduction (one paragraph)
o Consider engaging the reader’s interest in the debate by beginning your introduction

with events from the news, statistics, hypothetical scenarios, or quotes from respected

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voices on each side of the debate.
o Bridgelogicallyintoyourthesisstatement.

 The Basics of the Debate (one or two paragraphs)
o This is where you provide necessary background for the rest of your essay. Approach

this section by saying to yourself, “Okay, most people are already somewhat familiar with the debate, so I’m not going to go into too much detail here, but I can’t skip these facts entirely because some of my readers may be learning about the debate for the first time. I’ll give them just enough background information.”

o Consider these questions: When, why, or how did the debate begin? What position does each side take? What are the issues (small battles) at the center of the debate (the war)? What’s at stake for each side?

 One Aspect of the Debate in Focus (two or three paragraphs)
o This is where you get to have fun, dig in, learn, teach, and shine! Choose one aspect

of the debate that you believe deserves more attention. Give it that attention!
o Here are some options to get you thinking. Choose ONE of these, or come up with a

focus of your own.

 Consider teaching your readers about what’s really at the heart of the debate.

(“The two sides argue over X, Y, and Z, but what’s really motivating their

opposition is . . .”)

 Consider teaching your readers something new about the debate. (“Most

people know that the two sides argue over X, Y, and Z, but what they may not realize is how significant a role [funding / media / something else] plays in the debate.”)

 Consider teaching your readers about how a similar debate was resolved. (“Perhaps the two sides could end their stalemate by learning from the example of [some other people] who in [another place / another time] resolved a similar conflict by [doing whatever they did].”)

 Conclusion (one paragraph) o Tieitalltogether.

o Help your readers answer the question, “Now what?”
o Consider anticipating the future of the debate (Based on the evidence, what’s likely to

happen?) or its implications (Who will be affected?)

More on page 2


 Include a total of three (3) quotations and three (3) paraphrases selected (in any combination) from three (3) credible online sources available to general audiences.

 Adhere to the “Prescribed Organization” above, and adopt the conventions of an academic essay: an introduction paragraph that builds to the essay’s thesis statement, three or more body paragraphs (each one beginning with a topic sentence that supports the thesis and governs the paragraph), and a conclusion paragraph that reiterates the essay’s main idea.

 Use third person point of view only. (This means you may not use I/me/my, we/us/our, or you/your but must instead shine the spotlight on the debate and the people involved in / affected by it.)


 Length: 900 words

 Value: 75 points



 Writing about a debate (rather than taking a side on it) will help you to prepare your mind to consider the source of your information fairly and thoroughly before you participate in future written debates.

 Being attentive to bias (your own and your sources’) will teach you to be a responsible thinker and researcher this semester, especially when conducting online research.

 Briefly touching on the basics before digging into fresh ideas will help you practice adding something new to any written conversation. It will also help you recognize the difference between common knowledge and research that must be cited.


 Use keyword search techniques to locate popular sources on the internet.

 Evaluate the credibility and appropriateness of potential as sources research.

 Read, comprehend, and analyze sources.

 Develop thorough, organized, and engaging paragraphs.

 Make connections between ideas and use transitions.

 Use an appropriate and consistent point of view for a college writing assignment.

 Cite and document online sources.

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