Role of workforce diversity in organizations

5 page APA double-spaced 12 pt. font research paper:
-A cover page
-a section on the role of leadership in managing workforce diversity- to do this highlight five workforce diversity leaders from five different organizations (explain how they provide diversity in the organization)
-a section on highlighting seven types of workforce diversity efforts being utilized in the workforce presently- for example; partner benefits, diversity training, maternity leave
-a section on highlighting five examples of community and global workforce diversity efforts. In this section highlight how five different organizations are involved in supporting community and global diversity efforts. Example, a company supports habitat for humanity, and a company provides water pumps in West Africa (can use the same companies as the first section)
-a section on highlighting how you believe Human Resources development practitioners can support workforce diversity efforts based on what you learned from your research on this topic and from the textbook. This section can be written from your perspective

minimum of 25 references is required for this assignment (should include in-text citations with a reference page)

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Role of workforce diversity in organizations
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