News Articles

These short written assignments are designed to help you engage with the course material. Each of these three papers should correspond to a different course module of your choice. You should find a news article about a political event or phenomenon (post-2008) and use the readings from the relevant module to write a new article that creatively analyzes the event from a political psychology lens. For instance, you could find an article about the 2017 Muslim ban and use the content from module twelve to write an article about how the behavioral immune system theory helps explain public reactions. Your article should be 2-3 pages in length (not including any figures, tables, or references). It should maintain a journalistic style and be geared toward a general audience. You are required to cite at least two readings from the relevant module. You must also include a link to the original article at the end of your writeup. A detailed rubric is available on Canvas. Each writeup is due one week after the conclusion of the relevant module (e.g. if the module ends on a Tuesday, the writeup is due the following Tuesday). Be prepared to summarize your article for your classmates. — Readings will be provided

438346Nov 9, 1:08 PM

Your article should be 2-3 pages in length (not including any figures, tables, or references). It should maintain a journalistic style and be geared toward a general audience. You are required to cite at least two readings from the relevant module. You must also include a link to the original article at the end of your write up

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News Articles
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438346Nov 9, 1:08 PM

These short written assignments are designed to help you engage with the course material. Each of these papers should correspond to a different course module of your choice. You should find a news article about a political event or phenomenon (post-2008) and use the readings from the relevant module to write a new article that creatively analyzes the event from a political psychology lens.

438346Nov 9, 1:09 PM

12/3: Self-Interest (38 pages) “When Self-Interest Matters” (Chong, Citrin, Conley): pp. 541-565 “Attitudes Toward Highly Skilled and Low-skilled Immigration: Evidence from a Survey Experiment” (Hainmueller & Hiscox): pp. 61-69, pp. 72-75, pp. 78-80

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