Intellectual Property

Essay written on the following question and to use 3 sources as per below:


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How fair are the existing defences to copyright infringement in Australian law? In balancing the competing public interests of protecting private property rights on the one hand, versus freedom of expression (or at least the widespread dissemination of knowledge and ideas) on the other, how balanced are the present legislative settings in furthering these typically divergent policy objectives?

In giving your answer, discuss the full range of copyright defences under Australian law, your understanding of the comparative concepts of ‘fair use’ versus ‘fair dealing’, and what the notion of infringement of copyright encompasses.



1. Textbook – Reynolds, R, Stoianoff, N, Roy, A 2015, Intellectual Property Text and Essential Cases, 5th edn, The Federation Press, Sydney. ISBN: 9781862879867.

2 & 3. Any other sources you find that are Australian and recent as per the second part of the question and relating to those areas (discuss the full range of copyright defences under Australian law, your understanding of the comparative concepts of ‘fair use’ versus ‘fair dealing’, and what the notion of infringement of copyright encompasses.)


***** Referencing required as per AGLC guide *****

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