History Writing Topic

Write out a well-thought and developed 2 – 3 paragraph response to it and post it on the Discussion board. Be sure you have quotes for the second question and use the proper citation for each section of the Forum question. Using quotes allows you to engage the primary document.

Remember, Initial posts should be between 300 to 500 words. Response posts (both replies) should be at least 150 words.

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History Writing Topic
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After you post your response to the above questions, you will be able to read the postings of other students. Then go back and reply to 2 – 3 other student posts. Be sure to offer more than opinions: support your comments with data, personal experience, outside readings, or prior coursework. Maintain the quality and clarity of your writing by attending to spelling, grammar, and punctuation before posting. Engage each other actively, debate ideas, and challenge each other. State any disagreements or objections clearly and respectfully.


Write out a well-thought and developed 2 – 3 paragraph response to it and post it on the Discussion board. Be sure you have quotes for the second question and use the proper citation for each section of the Forum question. Using quotes allows you to engage the primary document.


Background to the DB Question:

The reform impulse took many forms (experiments in regulating personal behavior, in philosophy and religion, in social systems, and in social change). But at the same time, one person’s reform in some cases may be considered an attack on another person’s vital interests.


DB Questions:

First question: Answer this in 2 – 3 well developed paragraphs

Take two paragraphs and explain to the class which two reforms you think were the most significant?

Then in the third paragraph, consider the following: Frederick Douglass wrote, “When the true history of the antislavery cause shall be written women will occupy a large space in its pages.” Was Douglass correct? Why or Why Not?


Proper Format to cite the TEXT. It is always the last name of the authors

(McGerr, Lewis, Oakes page number)

Failure to cite properly will result in points being deducted from your post.


Second question: Answer this in 1 paragraph or more. Be sure to quote from the document in your answer.

After reading David Walker’s, “Appeal to the Coloured Citizens of the World,” answer the following questions:

1. What parts of this appeal do you think were especially inflammatory to Southern slaveholders? Explain.

2. Do you think Walker makes an effective argument in regard to the hypocrisy in the language and promises of the Declaration of Independence? Explain.

3. If you had lived in 1830 when this appeal was published, how would you have answered Walker’s question, “Now, Americans! I ask you candidly, was your sufferings under Great Britain, one hundredth part as cruel and tyrannical as you have rendered ours under you?”


Proper format to cite the Primary Document. It is always the last name of the person or the group who authored the document.

(Walker page number)

Failure to cite properly will result in points being deducted from your post.

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