Film Analysis for Pursuit of Happiness

Film Analysis: Concept Application Paper

(100 points)

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Film Analysis for Pursuit of Happiness
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You are to engage one full-length film, of your choice, on a critical level. I am asking you to apply the multiple communication concepts you have discovered through this course against the film you choose. In other words, what you are doing is putting together theory (course concepts) and practice (the life world of the movie).

Specifically, you are to choose 7 of the 13 concepts below in order to: a) explain them and then b) show how they work in the movie. Your paper should be a minimum of 6 full pages in length and should not exceed 8 pages in total. The structure of the paper must follow this format (HOWEVER, DO NOT USE THESE HEADERS IN YOUR PAPER):

INTRODUCTION: (1/2 page) Develop attention-getter. Develop thesis statement which includes the purpose of your paper and an introduction of all seven concepts that will be examined in the paper. The concepts should be listed in the order in which they are developed within the paper.

BODY: (5-7 pages) Explain the 7 concepts and apply them to the movie in this section. Group the concepts into three paragraphs.

CONCLUSION: (1/2 page) Summarize and list the concepts examined and bring closure.

Grading Criteria

Mechanics (25 points): Is the paper typed (double spaced, w/ 1” margins)? Have you proofread until the spelling, punctuation, grammar, and syntax are flawless?

Style (25 points): Is your paper intelligible, and engaging of the audience’s attention because it is well organized, while the writing is lively and clear?

Content (50 points): Have you comprehensively explained each concept, and is your application reasonable, well thought out, creative, and insightful?



Communication Concepts from the Text (Choose 7 of the 12)

  1. Communication as a foundation for personal life, relationships, professional success, and civic life
  2. Transmissional, constitutive and ritual views of Communication. (Chapter 1)
  3. Nonverbal behaviors of Kinesics, Haptics, Physical Appearance, and Artifacts
  4. Nonverbal behaviors of Proxemics, Environment, Chronemics, and Silence
  5. Counterproductive listening styles: dependent listeners, interrupters, self-conscious listeners, intellectual listeners (Chapter 5)
  6. Social Penetration Theory: Depenetration, Self-Disclosure, and Norm of Reciprocity

(Chapter 6)

  1. Interpersonal Communication and Conflict (Chapter 6)
  2. Culture Values: individualistic versus collective cultures, power distance, uncertainty avoidance, masculinity/femininity, high – and low-context cultures,  (Chapter 9)
  3. Positive and Negative Organizational Communication Traits: empowerment, intimidation, assertiveness, aggressiveness, supportiveness, secrecy, motivation, and superiority  (Chapter 9)
  4. Communication and Identity: Looking Glass Self  (Chapter 1)
  5. Relationship Dialectics Theory (Chapter 6)
  6. Five Stages of Group Development (Chapter 7)
  7. A communication concept from the book that is not listed here.



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