Explain Your Major

My Major is Business Management

For this week’s writing assignment, you will write a five-paragraph essay that explains what you are majoring in and why. If you do not yet have a major, you may write about your favorite subject in school and why. Either way will work for this assignment.

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Explain Your Major
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You will first need a clear introduction that catches the reader’s attention by providing information or a story that will make them want to read the essay. The next section of your introduction should give the reader information on what precisely you are writing about. Finally, you will end with a thesis statement that lists three reasons why you chose this major.


The body of the essay should contain three paragraphs. Each paragraph should focus on only one of the three reasons you listed in your thesis. Each body paragraph should be well-developed, descriptive, and leave the reader with a clear understanding of why it is essential to your major. One of these three paragraphs must contain some research. This can be anything from how many hours people work in your major, what the average earning is, or even a fact or statement that inspired you to seek a degree in your major. In the body paragraph, you are using your research in, make sure that you write where you got the information from, and put any statements in quotation marks if they are not your own words. This is a requirement for this assignment.


You should include transitional statements between your body paragraphs.


Your conclusion should summarize all of the reasons why you decided on your major and contain an equal amount of discussion about why you feel your major is important.




Introduction: 30 pts


-Catches the reader’s attention: 5pts

-Provides background: 5 pts

-Contains a thesis statement with three reasons listed at the end of the introduction: 20 pts


Body: 50 pts


-Each body paragraphs sticks to one idea: 5 pts

-Each body paragraph is descriptive: 15 pts

-Each body paragraph ties back to the thesis statement: 10 pts

-One body paragraph includes research from an outside source that is identified: 20 pts


Conclusion: 20 pts


-The conclusion summarizes your main ideas: 10 pts

-The paper ends with a statement of purpose: 10 pts

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