Effects of Alcoholic Parents on Their Children

The research question I will be exploring in the literature is what are the effects of an alcoholic parents on their children? Long-term use of alcohol may affect the brain’s control center. People are easily irritable and out of control, so violent attacks often occur. What’s even more frightening is that this situation does not only happen after drinking alcohol. Long-term alcoholics may also experience such disorders in normal times and become the main source of family conflicts. Parents’ behaviors, parenting styles, and close relationships are often copied to the next generation. Children who grow up in long-term alcoholic families may not only have alcoholism in the future but also have difficulty in establishing close relationships with others, do not know how to deal with emotions, and are used to thinking negatively.

Use the first paragraph to provide a broad overview of the problem you are examining. The final sentence of the introduction paragraph should be a thesis statement (e.g., “This paper will examine the psychological and social consequences of alcohol dependency.”)

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Effects of Alcoholic Parents on Their Children
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