Child Observation

For the purpose of this assignment, the student will serve as a developmental psychologist and observe children in their natural environment. Each student will conduct an observation of a child in early childhood. The observation should be 10 minutes in length. During this time, the student can complete the Observation Chart, to report their observational findings. This Chart does not need to be submitted, but will assist the student in completing the report. The student will then apply these observations to their understanding of the child’s physical, psycho-social, and language/cognitive development. The purpose is to connect the observations with developmental theory. An Observation Template is also provided to assist in this process.

The information gathered from the Observation Chart will be used to complete a Child Observation Report for early childhood. The observations and related theories will be compiled and put in paragraph form. Each paragraph will cover both observations and theory for a given developmental area (Physical, Psych-Social, and Language/Cognitive). Each report should be double-spaced and can be submitted via Blackboard. A Child Observation Report Rubric is provided

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