Argumentive Essay

I have enclosed four reading materials.

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In a 4-5 page essay, take one (and only one) aspect of that popular narrative (or fable as I call it). Using four of the readings we have done for class so far, make an argument about why it does not capture the full reality of the movement (what it stood for, did, and entailed) and then identify what changes when we see this fuller and different reality.

Citations or Footnotes can be added

This would be the argument: We’ve been taught that part of the movement’s successes came from the distinctive ideologies and contributions of men like Martin Luther King or Malcolm X, but a broad range of women leaders had distinctive organizing and political philosophies that shaped the movement (or that shaped even the work that King and Malcolm did).


For your essay, make sure your structure roughly follows this format:

A. Introduction—1-2 paragraphs. This is where you lay out your argument and the old view. Which aspect of the fable will you focus on? What is believed and how are you challenging it? You are to pick one aspect, not all the aspects. Who benefits (Or what are the contemporary uses) from the narrowness of the old view? What changes when we see something broader?

B. Body paragraphs. At least 1-2 paragraphs per reading, introduce each reading, and layout how the author’s argument and evidence illustrate your argument. Go through each reading systematically, identifying the ways each piece supports your argument.

C. Conclusion 1-2 paragraphs: What changes when we see all this evidence from these four pieces together? What is the significance? How does it change how we understand this history and where we are today?

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