Argumentative Essay

First read the Broken Arm case study story I will upload on the file section

Then answer the COVER SHEET QUESTIONS: 3a, b and c

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Argumentative Essay
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3A Discuss the difference between modifications and accommodations. When is it appropriate to make instructional accommodations/modifications? (Include your counter argument here)


b. Discuss techniques (in general) for accommodating/modifying instructional methods and materials.


c.What instructional accommodations/modifications in spelling did Mary make for Jim? Were they effective? Why or why not?


*APA style


*Only 3a needs a counterargument and rebuttal



*You need to cite the STAR sheet that can be located on the ica-a_broken_arm.pdf on page 5. and the 2 additional sources as well use. Remember to use the sources I provided that I will upload on the file sections called

⁃ jung_gradingexceptionalandstrugglinglearners_ch.4 (1) (1).pdf

⁃ School Accommodation and Modification Ideas for Students who Receive Special Education Services English (1).pdf


Please add a reference sheet for the citations at the end.

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