Abolition, and the Constitution

Frederick Douglass, Abolition, and the Constitution

Game Preparation Paper

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Abolition, and the Constitution
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The paper should be approximately five pages and written from your character’s point of view in a voice approximating that of your character. It must include the following elements:



  • A one-page summary of your character’s life. If you are cast as a composite character, you must create a life story.  You must cite at least one source other than Wikipedia and the role sheet. Please see your role sheet or your instructor for suggestions for further reading.



  • Pick out at least four of the documents in the gamebook that seem the most relevant to your character’s concerns. The Constitution must be one of them. Write a page (one page for each document) on each of the documents summarizing the document, explaining your character’s attitude to that document and the reasons your character supports or opposes it. You must include at least one document your character strongly opposes. 
  • Citation format: MLA
  • Mechanics: At least five (5), double-spaced pages with one-inch margins.  Upload as a MS Word document.  DO NOT UPLOAD as a PDF.


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