Why is eyewitness testimony generally unreliable?

Most people believe that our memories act as video recorders that store exact replications of our experiences; we believe we can recall exact experiences on demand. However, memory researchers continue to find evidence proving that our memories are easily influenced by suggestibility and our own biases. This has special implications for the use of eyewitness testimony in legal cases.

Write a thesis driven, argument essay responding to the following question:

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Why is eyewitness testimony generally unreliable?
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Why is eyewitness testimony generally unreliable?

Your essay must include

1. an introduction: Your thesis should be placed at the end of the introduction

2. body paragraphs, and

3. a conclusion

These are the essay guidelines.

1. Essay length: 3 full pages plus one line onto the 4th page.

2. Format: Use MLA8. Formatting guidelines. Do not just explain what the materials say. Write claims in your own words about why eyewitness testimony is unreliable. Then use quotations from the materials we read in the beginning of the semester as evidence for your claims.

3. Do not look for outside information. You may only use the materials we have studied in class. I have moved them into the Module for Week 7. You must use at least 2 sources in your essay as evidence for your thesis

4. Do not use block quotes. If you do, your grade will be lowered.

5. Be sure to have your prompt and the rubric in front of you as you write so you don’t go off topic.

Your essay grade will depend on your use of a thesis, claims, evidence, and analysis. Clear writing, proper MLA formatting, including citations, will also determine your grade.

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