What effects do fad diets have on your health?

Topic: What effects do fad diets have on your health?

Thesis statement: Millions of people fall victim to trendy fad diets without realizing the consequences these short term, quick weight loss diets have on your health long term.

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What effects do fad diets have on your health?
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Annotated Bibliography

La Chappelle Berry, Lisa. MEDIA AND PEER INFLUENCE ON FAD DIETS TRIED BY ADOLESCENT … 1999, www2.uwstout.edu/content/lib/thesis/1999/1999berry.pdf. This author conveys that the media and peer influence play a huge part on fad diets. This article included table of contents, analysis data, and consent form for the individuals who participated in the study. The study subjects were all females who ranged in age from 13 to 17 and took a brief survey before entering the study. The survey that was conducted beforehand can be found within the article. The research paper seems creditable, reliable, and object. This was a research paper required for a Master of Science degree with a major in Guidance and Counseling at the University of Wisconsin-Stout (December 1999). Resources were cited in the paper including the research advisor.

McDermott, Jamie L, and Jamie I Baum. “The Truth About Fad Diets.” Https://Www.uaex.edu/Publications/Pdf/FSFCS99.Pdf. This is a website of the University of Arkansas a Division of Agricultural article. There are two contributing authors: Jamie L. McDermott, MS, RD/LD Program Associate – Food Science, and Jamie I. Baum, Associate Professor, Food Science. Both authors appear to have vast knowledge in this area of research and are employed by the University of ??…. This is a concise article that ends with a non-bias disclaimer from the University of Arkansas. This academia article seems reliable and is from a reputable College that collaborates with the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Director.

Moyad, Mark. “Fad Diets and Obesity — Part IV: Low-Carbohydrate vs. Low-Fat Diets.” Https://Www.suna.org/Download/Members/Unjarticles/2005/05feb/67.Pdf, 2005. article is a rapid review of low carbohydrate diets vs low fat diets. The author conveys information from a standardized weight loss trial comparing the weight loss of 132 severely overweight individuals. The test group consisted of 77 African Americans men and 23 women. The author is a MD, MPH employed by the University of Michigan Medical Center in Ann Arbor, MI. This article appears to be a reliable source as the author is a creditable gainfully employed physician. Originally published February 2005 in the Urologic Nursing volume 25 number 1.

Ruden, Douglas. “Potential Long-Term Consequences of Fad Diets on Health, Cancer, and Longevity: Lessons Learned from Model Organism Studies.” Www.tcrt.org, 2007. This article is a published research on the potential long-term effect of fad diets on one’s health. References are made that the USA is undergoing an obesity epidemic, while third world counties are starving. Obesity is a global public health problem which includes all age groups and is most troubling in affluent children. The research conducts nutritional experiments on organisms reducing their caloric intake and what diets closely resemble a reduction in calories. This publication seems to be creditable, reliable, and objective. The article contains several graphs and charts to convey findings of studies which were performed. The author is a PH.D. employed by the Wayne State University in Detroit, MI and lists his full mailing address including classroom number. It was published Adenine Press (2007).

Simon Newsom, PGY-3. “Fad Diets.” Jefferson Digital Commons, 2020, jdc.jefferson.edu/fmlectures/443. This digital article is from the Thomas Jefferson University that presents statics of men and women who have at one point tried fad diets. The article includes case study statics and data. There are also charts and tables in this article which make it interesting when comparing different diets to each other including efficacy.  This seems to be a creditable article as the study was conducted by a third-year resident at the Thomas Jefferson University, Sidney Kimmel Medical College. It was written September 10, 2020.

Vann, Madeline R. “The Facts on Fad Diets – Diet and Nutrition Center – Everyday Health.” EverydayHealth.com, 2013, www.everydayhealth.com/diet-nutrition/the-facts-on-fad-diets.aspx. This article states facts about fad diets and their promises to lose weight fast. They also discuss that you should beware of claims, promises and popularity of these diets. The article also goes into further detail regarding undesirable safety issues to your health that these diets may have.  This website article seems creditable as it has been medically reviewed by physicians and healthcare providers which includes: Pat F. Bass III, MD, MPH. There are quotes from additional weight loss experts throughout the article. This article does contain pop up ads and advertisements although they are required for funding the research and the post on the website. The author is a freelance writer with over 15 years of experience in health and medical journalism writing with a Master’s in Public Health from Tulane University School of Public Health and Tropical Medicine in New Orleans, LA.

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