Social Work Discussion Questions

Read Chapter 10 in the Hutchison text on very late adulthood: “What can we learn from Centenarians? How much do diet, exercise, and other lifestyle factors matter compared with “good” genes and other genetic factors? What role do individual characteristics such as gender, race or ethnicity, personality, and socioeconomic status play in longevity? What theoretical framework would you consider when working with a person from this cohort?” (Hutchison, 2019, pp. 362-363).

Answer all the questions listed for your initial post, make sure to reference the text since we are obtaining information from the text. Also you must respond to the post of one peer, per syllabus, when responding add the peers name to the response. Your initial post must be entered by Wednesday at 11:59pm and the peers response must be entered by Friday at 11:59pm.

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Social Work Discussion Questions
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Add two references per post and always add a reference to your peer response: students may use the textbook as one reference but you must also research an article (peer reviewed articles–Journal of social work/psychology/sociology/medical) that would help to support your answers to the question. Make sure to add all references to the end of your pos

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