Safety Across Borders

Safety Across Borders

As we navigate the pandemic “the universal adoption of cross-border measures raises fundamental questions about what coordination means during a pandemic, and what role organizations such as the World Health Organization (WHO) have in facilitating this. Coordinated action among states in an interconnected world underpins effective prevention, detection, and control of disease outbreaks across countries. As parties to the International Health Regulations (2005) (IHR), governments agree that coordination is important to ensure that measures do not unnecessarily disrupt international trade and travel.

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Safety Across Borders
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Read the article “Global coordination on cross-border travel and trade measures crucial to COVID-19 response” for further analysis.


The universal adoption of cross-border measures raises fundamental questions about what coordination means during a pandemic, and what role non-government organizations have in facilitating these actions. Not all organizations fall under the remit of the IHR, or even regional governments, but their actions have had clear consequences.

Choose one measure ( alsoknow as a control) that been adopted – by Canada or another country – and discuss whether the regulators (governments) are using prescriptive or performance metrics to track successful implementation.


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