
Company to analyze in terms of social media: NIKE, Inc.

Requirement: Must be at least 800 words

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You are a part of SocialMarketing, LLC. (a marketing consulting company that evaluates the effectiveness of clients’ social media activities/ websites).
Over the last several years, more companies have begun to use social media as part of their overall communication and marketing strategies, and you have been asked to investigate…
1. how successful these companies have been,
2. what are the current trends,
3. how companies have changed the way they do business,
4. and what the future looks like in the context of social media use.

The objective of the research:
1. Investigate how your selected company is using social media to enhance communications and business interactions within the company (internal communication: employees) and externally (with partners, vendors, customers, and the community). Social media includes but not limited to: Twitter, LinkedIn, Facebook, YouTube, etc.
2. Investigation on the individual company by asking:
What specific examples and details is the company using social media technologies?
How are they being implemented? Is there a strategy?
What are its objectives?
Are they successful?
What results have they seen that can specifically be tied to social media? Increase in revenue or customer satisfaction?
What improvement could they make?

Choose one of the two social media functions options to analyze:
1. Marketing/Sales (i.e. stock market)
2. Public Relations (i.e. How they connect to certain social movements like Black Lives Matter or Colin Kapernick)

For the analysis (of the social media function you chose):
1. Describe how social media are being used.
2. What technologies are being utilized.
3. How business processes work.
4. How effective they are. (How is the company able to capitalize on social media?)

Give detailed examples to support your opinion.
You also need to include your overall impressions and recommendations for improvement (if needed).
Include headings and sub-headings to organize the content.

The analysis must contain at least 1 visual (graph, picture, chart, etc.).
The references (at least 2) should come from professional and reliable sources.

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