Marketing Plan

Marketing Plan Instructions:


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Marketing Plan
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Research and write a complete four years marketing plan, for a one year old

Venture [ service sector] started in 2019 such as consulting & staff. The name of the company is “Topaz Consulting Services”. The plan will require to critically analyze the current environment, client strengths and weaknesses and generate recommendations in light of the budget of $400,000 and considering other constraints. The consulting organization should be new, not existing company, marketing plan should be like we have opened the new organization in 2019. Paper should be between 15 and 20 pages in length. The Report should include:

1. Organizational overview

a. Name of organization

b. Mission statement, organization’s basic values and philosophy

c. Geographic location

2. SWOTT analysis

a. Strengths (internal)

b. Weaknesses (internal)

c. Opportunities (external)

d. Threats (external)

e. Trends (external)

3. Marketing research

Conduct market research (Required both primary and secondary data)

4. STP (Segmentation, Targeting and Positioning)

5. Stage of the product life cycle

6. Marketing mix

7. Marketing Budget ($400,000)

8. Control/monitor

Mandatory Portion for the marketing plan:

Ø Prepare Income Statement (Profit and Loss Account) for the present year plus upcoming four (4) years and elucidate how the marketing plan gives a positive impact on the overall performance of the business.

Ø Prepare balance sheet and clarify in the whole financial statement, employees their status (Full time / part time), their salary and how many employees.



1) Budget should be very appropriate such as how many employees are hired and how much is paid to each employee, how much spend on infrastructure,etc. Each and every detail regarding budget should be precise and technical.


2) 10-15 references authentic references no Website references please

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