Hookah use in The Bronx NY

Directions for Part 2
For this part of the direct care project, you will be creating a PowerPoint presentation based on the topic and problem identified in Part 1 ( substance use, you will present the SBIRT intervention model)


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Hookah use in The Bronx NY
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Directions: Create a PowerPoint presentation teaching about the use of Screening, Brief Intervention, and Referral to Treatment (SBIRT). See the assignment directions and tutorial for suggestions and best practices. Review the week’s readings prior to starting on your presentation, understand SBIRT, and its use related to the problem you identified in Part 1: Assessment and Diagnosis assignment.

2. Review local data related to the specific problem or addiction identified in the Community Health Assessment and Diagnosis assignment(file attached). Maintain privacy and only include data that is available to the public. Include citation(s) on the slide when resources are used. Include all resources used on reference slide.
3. Download the PowerPoint Presentation Template PowerPoint. (attached).
4. Create a PowerPoint presentation with speaker notes (8-15 slides not including introduction or references) for fellow healthcare professionals that includes:
• Community description
o Basic demographic data (i.e. population, size, education, poverty levels, etc.)
o Relevant epidemiological data from Community Assessment and Diagnosis assignment.

• Problem description
o Comprehensive overview of the substance and problem
 Include any contributing factors specific to your community (i.e. target marketing, lack of employment opportunities, few treatment providers, lack of transportation, availability, etc.)
• SBIRT description
o Elements
 Description of SBIRT abbreviation and process
o Use
 How SBIRT is used specific to identified problem
o Example
 How to use SBIRT with vulnerable population
o Outcomes
 How SBIRT impacts the problem?
• Community Resource
o Describe one community resource that may assist with the substance use concern. (For example, a local substance abuse clinic).
o Include how to reach this resource
 Phone, referral form, etc.
o Assess 4 A’s: affordability, accessibility, acceptability, availability for each resource
• Implications for practice
o Provide a comprehensive overview of the impact to the selected nurses.
o How does the data impact them? How could the implementation of SBIRT tool into their practice impact patient outcomes?
o Use at least one scholarly reference as support
• Conclusion
o Summary and importance to improving population health outcomes
• Q&A slide
• Reference slide
o Minimum of 3 references. Should include references for SBIRT overview, community data, and at least one scholarly source. Utilize more references as needed.

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