Essay Questions

500 words for each question with one source. Quoting sources does NOT count towards 500 words.
1. How has the Internet altered the way in which newspapers present news? How are print newspapers responding to the decline of subscribers and the rise of online readers? Support your discussion with reliable sources.

2. How has Digital Media influenced (or changed) children of this generation? How are their lives different than ours? Include a historical (before and after the digital media) and global perspective (include discussion of the US and at least two additional countries). Include whether the change has been positive, negative, or both. Support your discussion with reliable sources.

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3. How has Digital Media influenced (or changed) the field of e-commerce? Include a historical (before and after the digital media) and global perspective (include discussion of the US and at least two additional countries). Support your discussion with reliable sources.

4. Discuss how social media was used in the 2016 U.S. Presidential Election in terms of communicating with voters, fundraising, and campaign organizing. Discuss how databases of political information can be used to help voters make decisions on candidates and issues. Support your discussion with reliable sources.

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