Disney movie Zootopia

Your assignment is to watch the Disney movie Zootopia. Observe the movie as a sociology doing field work. You will write an 3-4 page reflection paper over how the movie exemplifies sociological concepts. This is not an opinion paper and you will have to use critical thinking skills. Be sure to include your observation and use key terms and theories from the book. Your paper should be MLA format. You will need 3 to 5 references for your paper. Be sure to actually use them and site them in your paper. At least one reference must be a scientific article over one of the sociological concepts that you see in the movie. Be sure to follow MLA format rules and be carful to avoid plagiarism.

Predator v Prey, stratification, stereotyping, unconscious prejudices, social issues, majority minority, racial profiling, police brutality, social marginalization, bias, sexism, racism, xenophobia, power, exploitation, and capitalism

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Disney movie Zootopia
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