Crime and Punishment in Literature

LIT 327 Crime and Punishment in Literature

Detective Fiction

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Crime and Punishment in Literature
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For this assignment please write a double-spaced 4-6 page essay of roughly 1,000 –1,500words.Your essay should follow MLA style (that means no cover pages, no running heads, no footnotes), with in-text references and quotes from the text for your quotations and a works cited page listing .If you have any questions about formatting, consult the Purdue Owl writing center here and make your paper look like the example.


Chandler once said that “the ideal mystery is one that you would read if the end is missing.” Taking this quote as a point of departure, analyze the ending of The Big Sleep by Raymond Chandler and compare it to the conclusion of The Red House Mystery by A.A Milne . How well do those endings resolve (or not resolve) what really goes on, and what really is at issue, in your texts?

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