Maternal Instinct and Bond between mother and child

This is a research paper. My thesis is that maternal instinct is real and the bond between mother and child affects both of them. I’ve written the first paragraph to the paper which I will upload. I have an annotated bibliography of all the sources you have to use which I will upload and I’ll upload most of the actual articles as well. Some of the sources you will find online. You HAVE TO USE ALL THE SOURCES IN THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY AND ONLY IN THE ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. The annotated bibliography will help and guide how the sources should be used. Read both the bibliography and the actual articles. In the bibliography, I’ve arranged the sources by subject and I’ve written how the sources should be used. You have to write the paper by subject. Do all the sources under biology, then psychology then gender studies then medical anthropology. Don’t quote the articles, use them as sources for the topic. Show comprehension and analyze the sources. Connect them to the thesis. Make it easy to understand.

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Maternal Instinct and Bond between mother and child
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