
This is an Excel  of 4 sheets.  2 Excel Workbooks (1. Data Set and Graphics, and 2. Proforma for informatics solution)  Excel Workbooks: A presentation of the data used to analyze the problem: This includes   Excel Workbook 1: An Excel workbook with at least 4–6 sheets containing the following:   Sorted datasets reflecting relevant analysis from the data source downloaded from one of the course data sources   **At least two descriptive statistics conducted on the dataset to demonstrate analysis of the data as it applies to addressing the population health problem  **At least three relevant graphical representations of the dataset reflecting relevant analysis from the data source downloaded from one of the course data sources  **At least two descriptive statistics conducted on the dataset to demonstrate analysis of the data as it applies to addressing the population health problem  ** A clear description of the functional and technical composition and capabilities of the health informatics solutions that plan to apply to the stated problem  ** A clear description of how the costs for the informatics solution identified in the proforma align to the benefits anticipated to be gained by using the transforming population health informatics solution that you propose   Excel Workbook 2: A proforma for the chosen health informatics solution using the course template provided

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Part 2: Excel,  of the attached instructions only

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