On the Screen

This week you will select the link in Chapter 3 Video and Interactive Resources section of your digital text titled “ On the Screen: McFarland, USA” and see the movie trailer about the Diaz and White families and how they learned they had so much in common.

https://youtu.be/Sz9v0CBt-FM is the actual story of the Diaz family. View this next.

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On the Screen
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Share what you have learned watching these two videos. Incorporate in this posting any personal story about your family and how they set about looking for the “American Dream”. What does it mean to be “an American”? This is an open class discussion so be courteous in your responses.

DQ 5-2 – Post Your Review. After you’ve chosen the article you’d like to review, review your article, and create your initial post on the DQ 5-2 Discussion Board following the directions below.

Label the first part of your post “Summary” and summarize your article. The summary should be inclusive of the entire article, but should not exceed half the length of the entire post.
Label the second part of your post “Reaction.” In this section explain how the article relates to material you have learned in this course. Also give your opinion of the issues raised in the article. If the article expresses an opinion, why do you agree or disagree with that opinion?

The entire post should be between 400-500 words long. It is strongly recommended that you first write the document in MS Word. Proofread and edit the paper before posting to the discussion question. Please review the Article Review Rubric before beginning this assignmen

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