Hist109-World History

In one well-written essay, respond to the following questions given below in bold. Make direct reference (preferably through a quotation but possibly through a very specific example for which you give the page number) to at least two readings from Weeks 7-10. Make sure that you demonstrate understanding of the main concepts of the readings and that you engage with these concepts. It is not enough to add a reference to a minor point mentioned in the readings tacked on to one of your paragraphs. Also, make sure that you are truly engaging with the specifics of the video as well. Make direct reference to some larger themes that you find in this story.

Apply class concepts and readings to the case study of beef production and immigration through consideration of the ICE raid of Postville, Iowa as documented in the following clips:

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Hist109-World History
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part I https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=n9JPApxulZ0
and part II https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6bwQifAccq0

How is development in Postville connected to El Rosario and how is development in El Rosario connected to Postville? Or, put more broadly – how is the development of the United States intertwined with Guatemala, just as development in Guatemala is related to the United States? Discuss this as an example of globalization and identify any relevant structural inequalities (both of these have been discussed in class lectures). IMPORTANT: You must discuss development in *both* places, not just one.

Suggestions that you may consider (you are not required to):

Consider structuring your essay as follows:

Introduction paragraph 1 – in what ways is the concept of “development” complex and not so straightforward; cite Robbins

Introduction paragraph 2 – in what ways is development increasingly globalized (use definition from lecture, examples from class materials)

How development in El Rosario is connected to Postville

How development in Postville is connected to El Rosario

What structural inequalities are relevant in this example

Conclusion – what are the important take away points for how we think about

development, globalization and structural inequality

Note: Although you may use the group study guide google doc as a reference for your essay, you must not copy the response of another student in writing your own paper without giving that student credit. Any material that was written by someone else that is not properly cited (with quotation marks and providing the name of the person who wrote the material) is plagiarism. You will receive a zero for the assignment for any plagiarism. You are not

required to consult any readings outside of those assigned in class (and in fact, it is highly recommended that you do not since this is not a research paper but an analysis and application of class materials). However, if you do, you *must* provide both in-text citation *and* a bibliographic entry. Materials that were assigned for this class must also be cited through in-text citation, but you do not need to provide a full bibliography if you have only used readings from in class. For in-text citation, after the material that is quoted or referenced include the author’s name and the page number in parentheses. Example: (Holmes, 15)

Grading will be assessed in the following way:

 Format:
o 2-4 pages

o Times New Roman 12 point font o 1” margins
o double spaced

 Readings (4):
o Make sure that you have fully engaged with at least two readings from Weeks 7-

o For each engagement with the readings, use an appropriate quotation (1 point

per reading) which you then explain and apply to your topic (1 point per reading) in ways that crucially add depth or establish a framework for thinking about the topic (avoid gratuitous mentions that don’t contribute to your analysis)

 Analysis (7)
o Thoughtfulness

o Coherency
o Careful approach that is mindful of ethnocentrism, over-generalization and

unsubstantiated arguments
o Fully respond to the prompt – consider course concepts like development, global

connections, structural inequality, and social stratification

 Clarity/Writing (2)
o It is important that your ideas be clearly expressed and well written.
o Start with an introductory paragraph which gives an overview of your argument

or the topic you will discuss
o Develop one main idea in each paragraph; begin this paragraph with a topic

sentence that makes clear what this paragraph is about and any appropriate

o End with a conclusion in which you discuss the implications for the study of

culture in general
o Cite all sources appropriately (quotation marks for word-for-word quotes

followed by in-text citation including the author’s name and the page number in parentheses after the quote; or just the parenthetical citation if you are using the author’s ideas but not a direct quotation)

Total 13 points

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