Fire Alarm Systems

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Fire Alarm Systems
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For this Project and after reading all the information on fire alarm systems, I want you to put yourself in the position of been asked to inspect (or witness an inspection) a facility’s Fire Alarm System. In your paper I want you to address the following:

1. What steps should you confirm/verify have been completed prior to doing any witness testing/inspections of the fire alarm system (There are some very important things to consider prior to doing any fire alarm testing).

2. Take the reader through a sequence of events of testing and methods. You should mention the three different signals that a fire alarm system should report (Alarm, Supervisory, Trouble). Here, describe the devices that will give you each of those signals and how it might display on the FACP.

3. What would you expect to see happen upon activation of those inputs above? (types of notification devices for example and why)

4. If you were watching the maintenance personnel use a rather “unorthodox” method of testing, where in the codes could you cite to make sure it is done in a code compliant manner? What reference code/standard and chapter governs the testing of Fire Alarm Systems?

5. Assume that the facility has fire doors that have electric/magnetic hold-open devices. What would you expect (interfaces)

6. After completion, what steps should be taken?

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