Digital Assignment

Assignment 4- Digital Connection of a past issue to a present issue Due by 11:59PM on Friday, November 13th Sankofa- Ghana- Akan language “go back and take”(Sanko= “go back,” fa= “take”)

Purpose Knowledge After completing this assignment, you will understand: 1. When the populus ignores the oppression of a certain group, the group will rebel. 2. What makes philosophers argue that “history repeats itself.” 3. How to evaluate current events, and change their outcome by knowing what did and did not work in the past.

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Skills After completing this assignment, you will be able to: 1. Connect past issues to present events. 2. Assist to be a positive change agent who develops solutions for positive societal change. (Not be just a protester who makes situations worst.) Task Scholars argue that “his/herstory repeats itself.” I concur. For this project YOU decide what you want to highlight from the class.


Choose any his/herstorical theme/moment from the course and parallel it with a current event. (The current event can be within the late decade.) Since this project is digital, you can present it via power point, create a small documentary, a personal video, any digital presentation. If you present a slideshow, it needs to have a minimum of twenty images. You MUST include a works cited page or it will be construed as plagiarism and you will receive zero. (Email it in pdf format PLEASE.) If it is a video, it needs to be a minimum of five minutes. Your recording may be a video of you reading your original work, another scholar’s work, an original rap, etc. You may use pictures to tell your story. YOU decide and be creative. This should be a fun and exciting research project for you.

For example, “Passed by Congress on January 31, 1865, and ratified on December 6, 1865, the 13th amendment abolished enslavement in the United States, except for the penal system.” (13 Amendment U.S. Const. amend. XI. Sec. 2. U.S. Const. art. 2. sec. 3. cl. 1.) Hillsdale College The above assignment may show pictures of enslaved people, and pictures of people in the US penal system today. It may include percentages of African Americans who were enslaved in 1700, 1800, and compare this percentages to numbers of African Americans in the prison system in 1900 and 2000. It may include the school-to prison- pipeline numbers. Below are a few images that support this theme. Enslavement Sharecropping Convict-Lease System Peonage System Prison Incarceration School-Prison Pipeline 1865- 13th Amendment- Abolish of enslavement except for the penal system 1980s- Prisons begin to get privatized. Most go from federal, state and local ownerships to being owned by corporations under Ronald Reagan’s Presidential Administration. Works Cited

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