Customer service relationship management strategy
The student will be able to create a customer service relationship management strategy for a given retail situation.
Compare and contrast two different retailers of your choice. The two retailers may be direct competitors or in different retail segments. Your objective is to compare and contrast how both retailers implement, monitor, and control customer relationship management strategies.
Research and provide a brief introduction for both retailers (3-4 paragraphs).
Who are they, what do they sell, who do they sell to or provide services to?
Customer needs: what is being satisfied?
Customer groups: who is being satisfied?
Identify and explain areas that each retailer is doing well in fostering customer service relationships and which areas are the retailers not doing well? (3-6 paragraphs).
Develop effective customer relationship management strategies. Create some strategies for both retailers that can be made operational, monitored, and controlled. Support your strategies with detailed processes and research. Your strategies and recommendations should be supported with the assigned textbook, a minimum of three internet sources, and two FSW library database peer-reviewed articles. This section should be a minimum of two pages.
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