California Verbal Learning Test, 2nd Ed
25% – Research paper (Integrative Assignment) and Presentation
Students will explore the empirical literature and assigned readings to write a final 15-18 pages well synthesized paper on “Test review and Critique”. The Test Review/Critique contains six sections, including references. Information to be presented in each section is presented in the student guidelines for integrative assignment below. All references must be scholarly and cited. APA format must be used. Prepare a 15-20 minutes presentation using PowerPoint slides to cover the items listed on the guidelines. Upload your paper on Moodle.
Student Guidelines for Integrative Assignment
Due Date: November 23, 2020.
Format of Test Critique
* Word-processed, double-spaced, and stapled.
* Approximately 15-18 pages.
* American Psychological Association (APA) writing style for headings, citations and references
* You are allowed to use up to four direct quotes, correctly cited.
After you have selected (or been assigned) a particular test to review/critique, identify the resources you will use to complete the assignment. Your instructor will provide information about where he/she would like you to obtain information about the test.
Structure and Content of Test Critique
The Test Review/Critique contains six sections, including references. Information to be presented in each section is presented below.
Availability of online version
A. TestContent
construct(s), domain(s) or variable(s) the test measures
unidimensionality or multidimensionality of construct
theoretical and/or empirical foundations of the test
B. Purpose of Test
purpose and potential uses of test
whom the test is designed for
C. TestStructure
length of test/number of items
subscales (if applicable)
item format
D. TestAdministration
administration procedures
necessary administrator qualifications and/or training
special testing conditions that must be considered
online administration (if applicable)
E. Test Scoring
type of scoring or scaling
scoring procedures (including availability of scoring keys and scoring services,
if any)
subscale, factor or dimension scores (if applicable)
online scoring (if applicable)
A. Standardization/Normative Sample
size and demographics of standardization sample
procedures followed in obtaining sample
adequacy of standardization sample
adequacy of norms provided (e.g., availability of subgroup norms, if applicable)
B. Reliability
1. evidence of reliability (e.g., test-retest, internal consistency)
2. adequacy of reliability evidence to support potential uses of the test C. V alidity
evidence of validity (e.g., content-, criterion-, construct-related)
adequacy of validity evidence to support potential uses of the test
A.Quality of Test Materials
1. quality of writing in test materials (including appropriateness of reading level) 2. quality of graphic design and presentation in test materials
3. other aspects of materials quality (e.g., durability, attractiveness, etc.)
B.Ease of Administration, Scoring and Interpretation
clarity and comprehensiveness of instructions, directions or guidance
amount of time and resources needed to administer, score and interpret test
other practical aspects of administration, scoring and interpretation
A. Strengths and Weaknesses of the Test B. Recommendations
for uses of the test
for revisions or updates
for further study of the test
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