• Your first paragraph is the introduction. Provide background or hook and present a thesis as the last sentence in the introductory paragraph Have a parallel three-point plan of development and, depending on the topic, a definition. Avoid an announcement approach. (5 sentences)
Your next three paragraphs are the body or supporting paragraphs. Present the paragraphs based on the order that the major supporting points are presented in the thesis and begin each paragraph with a transitional expression and a topic sentence. The minor support is made up of examples to explain or illustrate your main point in the topic sentence. Depending on the topic you select, you may need to provide facts, statistics, or quotations to adequately explain what you want to say. (7 to 10 sentences for each paragraph)
The conclusion wraps things up. Have a restatement, but make sure it is just one of the sentences in the conclusion. You will need a couple more sentences after that. You might have advice, a call to action, or a wish for the future. (3 sentences)

Choose one of these four topics and write the topic as your title on your essay. This essay is an expository essay. Thus, you need to have a three-point plan of development for the thesis. You also must have clear, direct topic sentences that help transition and define the main idea for each body paragraph. Use the present tense and third-person point of view.
Define and Give Three Examples of the McGurk Effect
Define and Give Three Examples of Pandemic Fatigue (*not “fatigue” as a symptom of COVID like loss of smell would be a symptom – See me if you do not know what I mean.)
Explain and Illustrate Three Ways That Social Media Impacts Relationships Either Positively OR Negatively (*pick a position)
The Three Main Reasons Why a Specific Hobby Is Popular

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Editing Checklist

Make sure the assignment meets the requirements.

Follow the paragraph and essay length requirements for an essay based on the graphic organizer and class notes (5, 7-10, 7-10, 7-10, 3)
Use the rubric as a guideline.
Use the MLA guidelines.
Make sure the thesis is the last sentence of the introductory paragraph.
Present a parallel three-point plan of development.
Define the term when needed.
Use a transitional expression and topic sentence at the start of each body paragraph (first sentence).
Support the topic sentence by providing examples to illustrate what you mean.
Use the third person POV.
Use the present tense.
Use action verbs as much as possible.
Edit for grammar, wording, organization, length, etc.
Add facts, statistics, and quotations when necessary.

MLA Checklist

You, the student, are the “my” in this checklist.

The heading is in the upper left corner and includes these items in this order:
My name
My teacher’s name (Professor Ward)
The course name (ENC 1101)
The due date of the assignment (day month year)

The paper has a capitalized title.
The title is the same 12-point font (Times New Roman) as the rest of the paper.
It has not been bolded, italicized, or placed in quotation marks.

The paper has one-inch margins on all sides.

The entire essay is double-spaced, including each line in the heading.

The paper is written in a standard font: Times New Roman

My last name (i.e. student’s last name) and page number are in the upper right corner of each page, ½ inch from the top. Instructions for doing this are in the MLA Format for Essays document.

Essays that are not received by the deadline and essays that exceed the acceptable Similarity percentage receive an automatic zero and will not be read. That means a 100-point deduction from your overall points in the class.

You have received Word documents on the following topics to help you with this assignment:
Illustration Essays
Rubric for ENC 1101
MLA Format for Essays
Looking at Turn It In and Submission of Work
GO Formatting Your Expository Essay
GO Points of View

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