Structural Analysis Assignment


Structural Analysis Assignment

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Structural Analysis Assignment
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Case Study: Structural Analysis


There are many ways an organization may outline their structure for the purpose of efficiency and effectiveness.  The purpose of defining our organizational structure is to give key stakeholders in each area the most opportunity to understand their roles, become more effective, and studies have shown this improves job satisfaction.  The scope and authority of most private institutions begin with the board of directors and after the board, a robust team of professional are assimilated.  “Notions of leadership are intertwined with organizational effectiveness. Leaders set the policy and strategic direction of the organization, and they are in the best position, as individuals with authority and influence, to affect organizational performance. As stated earlier, effectiveness and leadership studies in higher education and nonprofit organizations cannot ignore board performance. Boards are the critical leadership sites at these institutions.” (Phillips) The chain of command is extremely important for understanding both up and down the ride. With the creation of substructures and work groups (e.g., committees) to support its primary goals or mission. An organization’s structure is defined by the framework or institutional parameters that connect the policies, activities, roles, and reporting relationships needed for the organization to perform, if not fulfill, its purpose (Barr &Tagg, 1995; Dalton, Todor, Spendolini, Fielding, & Porter, 1980; Fincher, 1982; Robbins, 1983; Selznick, 1948). This analysis will begin to breakdown our organizational structure and the key stakeholders that are a part of this work community.




  Board of Directors President Executive Team Mgmt/Supv
Chain of Command



The Board of Directors are cumulatively the financiers and visionaries of the institution. It is the Board that makes ultimate decision, and it is the Board that gives authority to the President. President of the University, as chief executive officer, has general authority and responsibility for the University and for keeping the Board of Trustees informed regarding the Institution in a timely and appropriate manner. Works closely together with the president, trustees, and academic leadership to provide advice, develop and implement university-wide initiatives, and oversee operation of the university. The cabinet meets with the president on a weekly basis and attends the Board of Trustees meetings. Role is of implementation. Receive directives and this level of employee are the workers
Span of Control


The Board is responsible for approving the annual budget, for developing a long-term strategic plan, and for the evaluation and the hiring and firing President. The President has approx. 7- VP Executive Cabinet Direct Reports:



Graduation Rates

Employee Retention




Each VP has an AVP or Manager. Those individuals also have direct reports.  So, they can have anywhere from 2-10 employees in any given department. The bulk of the faculty and staff are here. 5-7 employees per department.
Departmentalization Structures The school Head handles the day-to-day operations of the school, typically without Board intervention or input. Staff- Finance, Human Resources, Security, Academic Giving Faculty- All Employees that have a direct responsibility to student engagement every day. Provides daily communication, approval, and guidance regarding divisions and departments ability to adhere to student achievement and institutional goals for accreditation. Workers have authority to make on the spot changes if must be justified.
Decision Making


The Board of Directors are the ultimate decision makers regarding Capital Financial Expenditures and Long-term investments that could impact the solvency of the institution. Vice Presidents are the final decision makers for their departments. This is based upon a pre drawn budget. Decisions are made collaboratively with the input of the President. Dept. specific non-financial decisions can be made autonomously at this level. n/a
Centralized/Decentralized Continuum The Board represents the top of a Centralize organizational structure. The Board gives authority to the President Vice Presidents have a line of subordinates that facilitate and execute the agreed upon plan of action given by the President At this level, all decision making is decentralized as all depend on the decisions and execution of the team. Centralize from the workers vantage point
Staff/Line Distinctions No Board members are employees therefore are not present or active for any day to day operations. VP’s have AVP’s and Directors to disseminate information downstream to the supervisor team for execution. The staff and faculty have separate handbooks, and expectations due to the scope of their position type of work. n/a






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