Rewrite Business Email Message

Instructions: Rewrite the email message below for conciseness, grammatically correct, and clarity. Consider the following: unnecessarily long sentences, redundancy, empty phrases, and wordy prepositional phrases. Additionally, paragraph length should be appropriate and unneeded information should be eliminated. Grammar, punctuation, and spelling should also be considered when writing a message. You should focus on making the message as clear as possible. Introduction: Kip recently hired Tia for a marketing internship. Kip arranged to meet her next Tuesday and explain the major project that she would complete during her internship. The project involves creating a database of meeting planners (people who organize large conventions and off-site meetings). Unfortunately, Kip had to leave on a sudden business trip and would miss the meeting. He wanted to make sure Tia could start working on the project right away. So, he emailed her from the airport to give her the information she needed. His email message, however, was rushed and somewhat confusing. Email message to be rewritten starts here:

31118114 minutes ago

Email message to rewrite is attached. Thanks.

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Rewrite Business Email Message
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