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I have already completed the “Literature review” part of this research proposal. Please review the Literature Review (Attached as a separate document) in order to complete this research proposal. All references can be found on there.


For this paper I need:

  • Abstract (maximum of 150 words)
  • Introduction
    1. Introduce problem/research domain
    2. Introduce a specific question
    3. Provide specifics on proposed study
    4. Hypothesis/expectations
  • Method
    1. Participants
      1. Who? How will they be recruited?
      2. Will they receive compensation?
  • Consent/IRB?
  1. Why are participants appropriate for your study?
  1. Design
    1. Identifies Independent variables/Predictor Variables, Dependent Variables/Constant Variables
  2. Procedure
    1. Enough detail to do the study
  3. Materials/Instruments/Measures
    1. Sufficient detail to do the study
  • Discussion
    1. Restate hypothesis
      1. If hypothesis is supported or not supported
      2. Limitation and unexpected factors
  • Conclusions




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