
– Provides a clear and comprehensive discussion of the case study including description of the developmental issues facing the client system. Clearly discusses goals for social work practice with the client system. 10-8pts – Provides a general discussion of the case study, with minimal description of developmental issues. 7-5pts – Section does not clearly identify the client in the case study. 4-0pts

– Clear and comprehensive discussion of how the chosen focal theory frames the client issues as described in the case study. 10-8pts -General discussion of how the chosen focal theory frames the clients issues as described in the case study. Some understanding of the focal theory. Does not include comprehensive discussion of at least two specific concepts or propositions. 7-5pts – Focal theory is misidentified and/or not fully discussed. 4-0pts

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– Demonstrates clear understanding of how at least two practice skills could be further developed to optimize practice with clients facing the focal issue(s) in the case study. Clearly discusses and interprets how this practice skill follows one of the two focal theories discussed in previous sections.10-8pts – Demonstrates emerging understanding of how at least two practice skills could be further developed to optimize practice with clients facing the focal issue(s) in the case study. Discussion of practice skill is adequate, yet connection to the theory could be further developed. 7-5pts – Does not include discussion of a practice skill, or understanding of practice skills is missing or incomplete. Connection to theory is not accurate or missing. 4-0pts


– Does not include discussion of a practice skill, or understanding of practice skills is missing or incomplete. Connection to theory is not accurate or missing. 4-0pts – Demonstrates clear understanding of how at least two practice skills could be further developed to optimize practice with clients facing the focal issue(s) in the case study. Clearly discusses and interprets how this practice skill follows one of the two focal theories discussed in previous sections.10-8pts

– Demonstrates emerging understanding of how at least two practice skills could be further developed to optimize practice with clients facing the focal issue(s) in the case study. Discussion of practice skill is adequate, yet connection to the theory could be further developed. 7-5pts – Does not include discussion of a practice skill, or understanding of practice skills is missing or incomplete. Connection to theory is not accurate or missing. 4-0pts

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