Podcast for diary of systemic injustice

For this assignment, you should share some of your best ideas from your Diary of Systemic Injustices assignment with your team. What instances of injustice did you analyze that really felt interesting or poignant to you? Is there one that seems ambiguous, or not easily resolved without a conversation to explore it more fully? Were there any that you still feel uneasy about, like maybe you don’t fully understand it yet and could benefit from others’ perspectives?

“Meet” as a group (in whatever way best suits everyone) to discuss possibilities. Were there two situations that were closely related you could compare? Or is there one that stands out as something you want to address as a team? You will want to start by selecting a scenario and also a concept. You can ask “is this racist?” but you might also choose another concept to explore. For example, sexism, religious discrimination, xenophobia, transphobia, orientalism, classism, or other forms of bias that are connected to structures of power are all viable options. Any of our course concepts are fair game–a “yo, is this intersectional?” entry could yield something really interesting.

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Podcast for diary of systemic injustice
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As you begin to plan how your podcast will go, keep in mind that you will not only be expected to apply your chosen concept to the situation you choose, but as you discuss, you should also be honing your definition or understanding of the concept itself. Part of what makes the podcast “Yo, is this Racist?” compelling is that its producers and listeners are constantly using their application of the theories about racism to reassess what racism is, based on how it is manifested.

As you begin to produce the podcast, you will want to identify how best to present the situation you have chosen, and script out how opinions about it will be expressed. That could be just a bulleted list of topics to cover, or a full script; it’s up to you to determine what works best for your group. Remember that this is a dialogue, and that the conversation should evolve as you delve into your subject. You can frame the discussion either as a conversational analysis of the situation, a discussion about differing opinions on the same situation, or as a conversation about what the person or people (or systems) involved did or should have done.

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