Observe a child and write a report

Observe a CHILD and right a report (specify the child’s age)

Can use any child

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Observe a child and write a report
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1. Write your detailed observation report in 4 full pages (double spaced)

2. Describe your Theory and provide an explanation

3. likes and dislikes of a child

4. Provide some theories example that relates to your observation (you can research to the internet, make sure to include the links as reference)

 Starng me and Finishing me or if you observe you own child you can make your own me
 No. of adults involved (if applicable):
 No. of children involved (if applicable):
 Area of observaon: (i.e. home corner, construcve area, quite area and mathemac area
 Aim: (i.e. to observe child A while playing)
 Objecve: (i.e. to analyze how child A interacts with other

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